عرض مشاركة مفردة
قديم 14-12-2006, 10:31 PM
مارد العرب مارد العرب غير متصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
مشاركة: 7
مستوى تقييم العضوية: 0
مارد العرب is on a distinguished road

اليكم اخواني طريقه تركيب الاسكربت والطريق تم شرائها من الوقع الرسمي للاسكربت

II. Installation And Setup Instructions

1) Extract the zip file containing the software.

2) Create a new MySQL database for ClipShare and import the dump file /install/clipshare.sql using PHPMyAdmin. This will create and populate all DB tables.

3) Open /include/config.php using any text editor and edit the following variables:

$config['BASE_DIR'] = '/home/yoursite/public_html/clipshare';

This is the full path to the directory where the script is installed. No ending slash.
$config['BASE_URL'] = 'http://www.yoursite.com/clipshare';

This is the URL where the script is installed. No ending slash.
$config['tmpimgpath'] = '/home/yoursite/public_html/clipshare/tmp';

This is the full path to the directory where the /tmp folder is located. No ending slash.
$config['tmpimgpath2'] = '/home/yoursite/public_html/clipshare/tmp'
This is the full path to the directory where the /tmp folder is located. No ending slash.

$config['ffmpeg'] = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg';

This is the full path to FFmpeg module. No ending slash.
$config['mplayer'] = '/usr/local/bin/mplayer';
This is the full path to Mplayer module. No ending slash.
$config['mencoder'] = '/usr/local/bin/mencoder';

This is the full path to Mencoder module. No ending slash.
$config['metainject'] = '/usr/local/bin/flvtool2';

This is the full path to FLVTool2 module. No ending slash.

4) Open /include/conf.ini using any text editor and edit the database variables (host, username, password and name of the database previously created and populated)

5) Open /js/myjavascriptfx.js using any text editor and edit the following variables:

var imgurl = 'http://www.yoursite.com/clipshare/images'; No ending slash.
var baseurl = 'http://www.yoursite.com/clipshare/';
Don’t forget the ending slash.

6) Upload all files in the root directory or a subdirectory on your server.

7) CHMOD the following files and directories to 777:

(and all files and folders inside)









III. Configuration Instructions

1) Access the Administration Area:
http://www.yoursite.com/clipshare/siteadmin (Default user: admin and password: admin)

2) Open the Settings Panel and edit important miscellaneous variables. Don’t forget to change your admin password.

3) Create Channels. Create Subscription Packages (if it’s a paid service). Add Advertising. Edit the Static Pages (About, Privacy, etc.)

4) You can now access your website at: